

Synagogue Life in COVID-19: Care, Conflict, and Teshuvah

A family friend of ours died this summer, from COVID-19 complications. I was the officiating rabbi at his burial. No ...

Where Do You Keep Your Safety Deposit Box?

As a rabbi, I am privileged to officiate at many life cycle events.  I become part of a family’s life ...

Lech-Lecha – One More Layer of Goodbye

In memoriam, for Rabbi Samuel Dresner, HaRav Shumel Chayyim ben Yehuda v’ Malka z”l.

Living With Death

Death is a problem. It is death that seems to suck the meaning out of life. If it is all ...

Find Out About Your Loved Ones

As a rabbi, one of the life-cycle processes I accompany people through is the funeral. When a person dies, burying ...

When A Friend Dies

On extending Jewish mourning rituals to non-traditional mourners.

Falling into Community

In Jewish tradition, sitting shiva is a trust fall.

The Wisdom of Love and Living

I have no idea how many b’nai mitzvah, baby namings, brises, et al I have officiated at. Nor how many ...

Death is the end? Really?!

My mother’s birthday coincided with Shavuot this year. She would have been 76 years old, had she not died in ...

The Wilderness of Sinai

Bamidbar is my daughter Elena’s bat mitzvah portion. As she was approaching bat mitzvah, fifteen years ago, my father was ...
