Immerse Yourself

There’s nothing like old friends. They connect us with our past, remind us of the continuity of our life, embrace ...

Modern Untouchables: Our Sins Of Exclusion

Parshat Metzora calls attention to how we treat those who are excluded and alienated from our society.

Reading The Prohibition Against Homosexuality In Context

The sexual relationships forbidden by the Torah are intended to prohibit non-Israelite religious practices and abuses of power.

Seder Toharot (Ritual Purities)

Laws regarding purity and impurity may seem obscure to modern Jews, but the concepts give us a glimpse into a world where manifestations of death within life are not sanitized away.

Ending Shiva

Getting up and walking around the block marks the end of a week of mourning.

Miracles Abound

Hanukkah (the first candle is lit on the evening of Dec. 20, 2011) is the Jewish holiday which celebrates miracles. ...

Fast Days for Repentance & Atonement

The Jewish calendar has a number of such days in addition to Yom Kippur.

Giving Sensibly

What we can learn from Nadav and Avihu.

Tashlich, the Symbolic Casting Off of Sins

A Rosh Hashanah ritual for the whole family.

Yoma 2

Emergency back-up wife.