A Peace Deal Brokered: Talkin’ Basketball with Bethlehem Shoals

Two of my last posts have featured my views on Jews, specifically Jordan Farmar, and their relationship with professional basketball. ...

Mitzvot & Jewish Mystics

"Unitive" and "restorative" impulses propel the religious life of the Jewish mystic.

Berakhot 2a: What’s on the Opening Page of the Talmud

The Talmud treats the law as a given; its agenda is to see how the different understandings of that law relate to each other.

A Crash Course in Being a Professional Ally to LGBTQ Youth

“I have friends I can be Jewish with, and friends I can be queer with, but I’ve never had a ...

The Best Jewish and Israeli Food at Whole Foods

Jelly donut ice cream! Cholent mix! All the cream cheese!

Parashat Bereshit: Summary

A summary of the first portion of the Torah.

Maimonides’ Philosophical Writings

In his landmark philosophical work, The Guide to the Perplexed, Maimonides sought to put Judaism on a rational footing.

What Is an Unhealthy Relationship?

Jessica and her boyfriend have been together for three months. They spend every moment together, tell each other “I love ...

Brothers Bringing Redemption

Moses and Aaron play complementary roles in communicating God's message of redemption to both the Children of Israel and to Pharaoh.