Codex versus Kindle

Although it fell, in retrospect, at the mid-point between the launch of the Kindle and the Kindle 2, I don’t ...

Parashat Ki Tavo: Fine-Tune Your Spiritual Hearing

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as  parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

Struggling With Monotheism

Jacob and his family's evolving relationship with God illustrates the complex struggle with faith and monotheism.

I Know Who You Are

Raising questions about our complex relationship with God.

The Order of Disorder

A word and its opposite may be one and the same.

Jeremiah 7:  The Israelites’ "Edifice Complex"

The prophet takes on the people's mistaken assumption that they can safely persist in unethical behavior--and that God would never destroy the Temple.

Confronting Our Dark Sides

Like Jacob's struggle, each of us must recognize, confront and struggle with our darker side.

October Mourning and Tikkun Olam

“And you shall lay down, and no man shall terrify you….” Whenever I stand up in shul on Shabbat and ...

Balancing the Needs of Home and Community

Why did Abraham beg for mercy for the city of Sodom but not for his son Isaac?

Biblical Sources on Shabbat and the Perfected World

The Bible itself is the source of the notion that Shabbat is a foretaste of the perfected world that is yet to come.