Parashat Shoftim: Justice, Death and Uncertainty

Judaism provides for the liminal, confusing period of grief with a series of stages.

Physical Movement in Jewish Prayer

An overview of when to stand, sit or sway — and why.

Proximity and Repair

Even if we are unable to fully fix what's broken, we can begin to make a difference by stepping forward.

Jewish Views on Organ Donation

Jewish views on organ donation are overridden by a single halakhic (legal) concept: pikuach nefesh—the Jewish obligation to save lives.

Nine Words That You Didn’t Know Come From Aramaic

You might be surprised to discover that you speak a few words of Aramaic and you didn't know it.

Misgivings and Misconceptions

Though most rabbinic authorities allow organ transplants, the Jewish community has a poor track record when it comes to donations.

Some Modern Views on Euthanasia

Contemporary Jewish thinkers have expressed a wide range of opinions about the permissibility and parameters of euthanasia.

On Being with Those Who Are Dying

The Jewish tradition of being at the bedside of the dying is of immense value, not only for the dying person but also for those about to be bereaved--and for all of us, who must learn to face death.