The Gift of Speech

What Balaam's donkey and under-represented minorities have in common.

Mah Tovu: A Reminder of the Jewish Mission

The prophet Isaiah's vision of Israel as a light unto the nations is reflected in this essential Jewish prayer.

Passover Recipes: Sea Bass “Scallops”

Chef David Kolotkin is executive chef of The Prime Grill in New York City. His mother’s delicious home cooked meals ...

Passover Recipes: Almond Crusted Veal Chop

Chef David Kolotkin is executive chef of The Prime Grill in New York City. His mother’s delicious home cooked meals ...

Who Does the Land Belong To?

Behar affirms that the land belongs to God, and the land must be permitted to observe its Sabbaths, too.

No Rest(s) For The Wicked

Unlike Jewish prophets, Balaam was merely a mouthpiece for the word of God, not an active participant.

Seeing Their Faces But Not Their Doors

The Israelites' dwellings in the wilderness provide us with a model for ensuring the existence and dignity of housing for all members of society.

Balaam Versus Pinchas

Pinchas saw the relationship of an Israelite and a Midianite as a curse--but perhaps he, like Balaam, could have turned it into a blessing.

Not Seeing Is The Sin

Like Balaam, we should open our eyes to seeing the problematic paths we take in life.


Jealousy can paralyze us and force us to define ourselves by another person's successes.