Why Jews Need Transgender Day of Remembrance

In honor of the annual observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance we are devoting space in our blog to posts about gender, such ...

Joseph’s Intermarriage

What should be said when a child brings home a soulmate from another faith tradition?

Why Jews Put Stones on Graves

Although the custom of placing them on a grave probably draws upon pagan customs, the stones also symbolize the permanence of memory.

The Centrality of Kavod HaMet (Honoring the Dead)

Jewish mourning practices center more on the deceased than on concern for the living.

Parashat Nasso: Finding Peace

Giving ourselves time to grieve can lead us to a place where we feel God’s blessings.

Magnifying Life

Two weeks ago I wrote about the tragic loss of little Ayelet Galena z”l. I discussed how one young life ...

Jewish Resurrection Gets New Life

By the second century at the latest, belief in resurrection had entered Jewish liturgy and legal writing.

Living Persons and Organ Donation

Sometimes there is a conflict between the mandate to save lives and the mandate to avoid health risks.

Shiva Prohibitions Embody Depersonalization

The specific prohibitions on mourners during the shiva period reflect the mourner's sense of estrangement from the life force.

Is There a Jewish Afterlife?

Judaism is famously ambiguous about what happens when we die.