Progress and Stasis in Mourning

I was overjoyed about the inauguration of our 44th President on Tuesday, but couldn’t help feeling a little sad, too. ...

Parashat Tazria-Metzora: Healing From the Mysterious and Incomprehensible

The biblical practice of tzaarat offers insights into the grieving process.

Parashat Bamidar: The Loss of a Generation

The Book of Numbers is a gentle reminder to listen to the elders still among us.

Liberating Life

The High Holidays focus on death so that we may renew our lives.

Caring For Dead Loved Ones

Despite their focus on life, priests are permitted to attend to their closest relatives in death.

El Maleh Rahamim

A prayer of remembrance.

Confronting Death Before Death Confronts Us

Why we are afraid to think about death--and why we must.

Parashat Vayeshev: From Apathy to Empathy

Experiencing loss can enable us to better relate to the pain of others.

Why Jews Need Transgender Day of Remembrance

In honor of the annual observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance we are devoting space in our blog to posts about gender, such ...

Parashat Miketz: Reframing Loss

We can choose how we respond to situations over which we have no control.