Haftarah for Eikev

Isaiah consoles the exiled nation of Israel.

Rosh Hashanah 30

Remembering through action.

Schindler’s List and Hip-Hop Remembrance

When I was in Junior Congregation services at OCJCC-BI in Philadelphia, we spent Tisha B’Av — the holiday that’s the ...

Moed Katan 9

Keeping our joys separate.


Jewish authorities have much to say about using, and abusing, this substance.

It’s Time for a New Calendar

I have a rich undergraduate memory of a professor teaching about communities. She said that one of the key aspects ...

What Should Your Rabbi Talk About?

Tisha B’Av (Aug. 5th), which commemorates the destruction of the Temple also marks the seven week countdown to Rosh Hashanah. ...

Fast Days: Synagogue Laws & Customs

Fast days are acknowledged in the synagogue liturgy.

What Is the Haftarah, and Why Do We Read It?

Each Torah portion is paired with a passage from the Prophets.