Classical Understandings of Mitzvot and their Reasons

The rabbinic sages and later philosophers and mystics offered many ways to categorize the mitzvot and explain their significance.

Studying New Ritual

Looking through the lens of material culture.

Don’t Pray, Communicate! A Book Review of Holistic Prayer

To understand the newest book by Rabbi Avi Weiss one needs to tell a story that appears in the book, ...

Physical Movement in Jewish Prayer

An overview of when to stand, sit or sway — and why.

The Book of Deuteronomy

The biblical book whose law and theology most directly shaped later Judaism.

Where Childbirth Gets Short Shrift

Why is birth nestled between dietary restrictions and skin diseases?

What Ruth Can Teach Us About Celebrating Shavuot

The Jewish people accepted the Torah in fear of God's overwhelming power. Ruth accepted it out of love and loyalty.