Symbolism in the Bible

Jewish literature is rife with allegory and metaphor.

October Mourning and Tikkun Olam

“And you shall lay down, and no man shall terrify you….” Whenever I stand up in shul on Shabbat and ...

How to Negotiate Jewish Differences

9 tips to help your family get along, even if members observe Judaism differently.


A ritual in recognition of the author's miscarriage emerged from a year of studying about the infertile Hannah, who eventually had a child.

VeAhavta: And You Shall Love

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as  parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

Invisible Jews on Television

While not made explicit, many characters on television had very Jewish traits.

Jewish Folk Art

Visual arts are a beautiful way to express religious devotion.

Yaacov Agam

The artist's unique geographical creations have made him a leading pioneer of optic and kinetic art.

Studying New Ritual

Looking through the lens of material culture.

The Modern Noahide Movement

Non-Jews living in observance of the Seven Noahide Laws.