Jewish Texts

Haftarah for Shmini

David brings the Holy Ark to Jerusalem, Samuel II 6:1-7:17.

Haftarah for Vayakhel

Details of the Temple's construction.

Haftarah for Tzav

Sacrifices are not enough.

Haftarah for Pekudei

The Temple construction is completed.

Haftarah for Vayikra

Idols are not the answer.

Haftarah for Yitro

Isaiah's initiation as a prophet.

Haftarah for Mishpatim

Jewish slavery and Jewish ethics.

Jewish Books

Charting the landscape of American Jewish literature--125 books at a time.

Haftarah for Tetzaveh

The altar in the Temple.

Nehama Leibowitz: Teacher

An educator who changed the face of Bible study.

Why Joshua?

Here are numerous reasons for choosing Joshua as the haftarah for Simchat Torah.

Joshua & His Time

A short biography.