Jewish History

The Israeli President

The Israeli presidency is largely a ceremonial role.

The Israeli Media

It's vibrant. It's aggressive. It's in the Middle East.

Jews and “The Church”

Scholar Norman Roth questions whether the idea of the medieval Church makes sense as a category of analysis for Jewish history.

Medieval Jewish Culture

In Muslim and Christian lands.

Thriving in the Diaspora

Persian Jewry can serve as a role model for Jews who live outside of the Land of Israel.

Infidels with Benefits

Jews in the Medieval Islamic Empire

Twice Blessed: Jewish and Gay in the 21st Century

An examination of contemporary gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Jewish communities.

Jewish Time

The emergence of Jewish history--part one.

Jewish Historiography

The emergence of Jewish history--part two.

Jewish History, 1914 to 1948

The Jewish experience between 1914 and 1948 begins and ends with war. In 1914, WWI began, a watershed in both European and Jewish history, as it marked the end of four great empires: the Tsarist, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and German Reich.

Emancipation In Muslim Lands

European influence in the Middle East.