Rabbis Without Borders

Taking a Break from the Protests

When my friends ask me how I like my new job, I halfheartedly complain that it’s interfering with my protest ...

The Value of Truth in Social Media

There is a story in Jewish tradition about a man who insults another man without realizing that the man is ...

Shame, Vulnerability and Courage

I went to the local town hall meeting with our State Representative, Buddy Carter. The small theater at the local ...

Spiritual “Hearing”

To what are we enslaved? How does our slavery hold us back, nailed to the doorpost? And what would we ...

The Role of the Elite

What does it mean to be an “elite?” Recently, the term has come to be much derided by people on ...

Real Religious Pluralism

Here on the west coast of Canada we live in a chain of port cities. People from all over the world ...

Prayer of a Cancer Survivor

I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. So, there’s that. In some ways, it’s hardly a surprise since my mother ...

Who is Worthy to Lead: The Torah of Modern Politics

This week’s Torah portion (Yitro) offers a key lesson for today’s politics. It comes just before the fateful Ten Commandments ...

Finding Equilibrium Through the Practice of Kindness

Many of us are feeling buffeted by politics, angry dynamics in public discourse, and fears of what may lie ahead. ...

A Celebration of New Friendships

Most of us live in a bubble – the bubble of our friends, our family, our workplace and our community. ...

Why My Father Went to War

 I had already seen the cover art of this week’s New Yorker magazine in a news feed, but when the ...

Why American Jews Should Stop Observing Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day

An interesting thing happened two weeks ago.When President Trump issued his executive order banning refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries, ...