
The Paschal Sacrifice (Korban Pesach)

Understanding how Passover was celebrated in biblical times.

Miriam’s Cup

A modern feminist symbol

The Meaning of the Seder (Part 1)

From the first cup of wine to the breaking of the matzah

Passover (Pesach) History

Observance of Passover has taken a number of forms throughout history.

Spiritual Hametz

Passover cleaning goes beyond the physical and extends to the soul.

Liberating Ourselves from Narrowness

Passover teaches that is possible to free ourselves from the pressures of modern society.


A recipe for a Passover fruit dessert, side dish, or topping

Maot Hittin: Wheat Money

Preparations for Passover include helping those in need.

The Hidden Matzah

What is viewed as a game by children can have deep significance for adults.