
Jewish Weddings 101

The traditions, rituals and liturgy for Jewish weddings.

The Fast of Esther

The fast that precedes the holiday of Purim.

Yom Ha’atzmaut: Israel Independence Day

The celebration of Israeli independence is marked each year on the fifth day of the Hebrew month of Iyar.

Yom Hashoah: Holocaust Memorial Day

This annual day of remembrance of the victims is observed by Jewish communities worldwide.

Tisha B’Av Rituals and Practices

Mourning the destruction of both temples, as well as a number of other Jewish tragedies.

Why Read Ezekiel on Shavuot?

Tradition connects the prophet's vision to the revelation at Sinai.

The Ten Commandments

The division and structure has been open to interpretation throughout history.

Shavuot in Modern Times

New ceremonies and rituals are introduced.

Why We Read The Book of Ruth on Shavuot

The connections between this story and the spring harvest festival.

Tikkun Leil Shavuot

The all-nighter is an observance that developed on Shavuot.

Passover (Pesach) 101

What you need to know about the festival of freedom.

The Concealed Face of God

Why isn't God mentioned in the Book of Esther?