Shira Hecht-Koller

Shira Hecht-Koller is an educator, attorney, and writer. She teaches Talmud and Jewish Identity at SAR High School in Riverdale, NY and is a founding member of the Orthodox Leadership Project. She is a member of the third cohort of Paradigm Fellows of the Paideia Institute of Jewish Studies in Sweden. She writes, speaks, and educates throughout the United States on the topics of Jewish Law and Education, as well as creative living and family life. In the summers she teaches tennis, makes bonfires, and explores the world with her husband Aaron and children Dalya, Shachar, Amitai, and Aiden.

Articles by Shira Hecht-Koller

Parashat Tzav: Bread in Abundance

Why does the Torah require that a gratitude offering be accompanied by loads of bread?

Survival of the Self: Continuously Cultivating an Independent Identity

Like everyone else, I balance different aspects of my identity: American, Jew, New Yorker, educator, feminist, mother, white, spouse, runner, ...