Sam Berrin Shonkoff

Sam Berrin Shonkoff is currently the Jewish student life coordinator at Stanford Hillel. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies from Brown University and has also studied in Jerusalem at Hebrew University, Pardes Institute, and The Conservative Yeshiva.


Articles by Sam Berrin Shonkoff

After Death, Holy

We always have the opportunity to rise above our human flaws.

Six Days Shall You Work

Shabbat is important, yet our behavior during the other six days is no less a part of religious life.

Reimagining Spirituality

Examining a new model of activism.

A Burning Within

We must find the causes that make us most passionate--and work for change.

Jacob, the Migrant Worker

What a forefather can teach us about human rights.

Pursuing Righteousness

Changing the external to affect the internal.
