Rebecca Schorr

Ordained by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr is a CLAL Rabbis Without Borders Fellow and the editor of the CCAR Newsletter. Writing at her blog, This Messy Life, Rabbi Schorr finds meaning in the sacred and not-yet-sacred intersections of daily life. Follow her on Twitter @rebeccaschorr.


Articles by Rebecca Schorr

Being Truly Present

Ask anyone who knows me and he or she will tell you that I love my social media.Yes, I’m one ...

Dairy Queen

Sometimes the most challenging part of being a committed Reform Jew is seeking ways to incorporate Judaism into our home ...

#Torah Without Borders

As of this writing, the following topics are trending on Twitter: Jason Collins #talkaboutyourcrushnight Pacific Rim #SexyThingsGirlsDo #confessionnight #SC1 Nancy ...

It’s Over…or Is It?

Passover has passed us over and last night’s dinner was a veritable chametz -fest. “But wait!” you shout, “Passover isn’t ...


Passover is coming and, as always, it is causing a certain amount of anxiety for certain members of the family. ...

Increasing Purim’s Joy

Purim is coming and the inhabitants of my house are giddy with anticipation. It has long been a favorite holiday ...

Lacking Knowledge

I have a confession to make: I know very little about the African-American experience.There. I’ve said it.Just over fourteen percent ...

Make the Pledge…Equally

With Purim just a month from now, the internet is just starting to entertain with the usual, and welcome, plethora ...

Driving Lesson

The light turned green. But the cars ahead of me stayed still. Perfectly still. The light turned yellow. And then ...

Learning from Experience

Technology is a marvelous thing. And the many creative ways Jewish professionals have incorporated it into Jewish communal life is ...
