Rabbi Rachel Isaacs

Rabbi Rachel Isaacs was named one of “America’s Most Inspiring Rabbis” (2014) by the Jewish Daily Forward. Ordained in 2011 by the Jewish Theological Seminary, where she studied as a Wexner Graduate Fellow, Isaacs is the spiritual leader of Beth Israel Congregation. She is also the inaugural holder of the Dorothy “Bibby” Levine Alfond chair in Jewish Studies at Colby College. In 2016, she delivered the final Hanukkah benediction of the Obama administration at the White House.


Articles by Rabbi Rachel Isaacs

Returning in Love

Reconnection with God through atonement is like the reunion of two lovers who can't stand to be apart.

Love and Remembrance

The intimate bond between love and memory.

A Matter of Trust

How does a society recover from a complete breakdown of trust?

Bonds of Indebtedness and Shame

The scriptural readings of Shavuot force us to consider the emotional and spiritual dimensions of indebtedness.

Tu Bishvat and the Repudiation of Cynicism

The Jewish new year for trees is the rare time where we celebrate potential — not product.

Parashat Noach: How Societies Collapse

The story of the flood is an object lesson in the kinds of crimes that pose existential social threats.

Rabbi Rachel Isaacs

Watch a High Holidays sermon from the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Israel in Waterville, Maine.

‘All That Lives Shall Bless Your Name’

This Nishmat Kol Chai benediction is said at the transition between our preparatory prayers and core elements of the morning service.

Praying for the Government

The tradition of praying for the government reflects a recognition that Jewish welfare is bound up with that of the nations in which Jews live.

How to Remain True to God — And Each Other

The morning blessing Yotzer Or teaches something fundamental about the Jewish conception of God, and the key to successful human relationships.
