Evan Wolkenstein

Evan Wolkenstein is the Director of Experiential Education and a Tanach teacher at the Jewish Community High School of the Bay in San Francisco.


Articles by Evan Wolkenstein

Video: Hagar and Ishmael

There's so much to see in this week's parsha that Evan Wolkenstein, experiential educator, decides to zoom in and focus on the story of two relatively minor characters. (Although one of them - baby Ishmael - is an actual minor. Snort.)

The Stubborn and Rebellious Son

How often do we punish individuals before addressing the ills of our social structures?

No and Maybe

We cannot slip into loopholes and forego responsibility.

Tools of Justice

Our actions and our words must be in line with one another.

Oppression and Action

Vengeance cannot be the response to violence.

Pushing the Law Forward

Halacha and social equality today.

The Law of the Farm

This portion teaches us that there are no easy fixes to the complex problems that face our social systems.

Not Ours To Discard

Though the book of Leviticus--and other global systems--may seem antiquated, but we cannot just strike them from the record.

The Mishkan as Model

This portion's attention to detail speaks to the kind of vigilance we need in creating a just society.

The Stick that Exacerbates the Plagues

Like the Egyptians devastated by the arrival of the plagues, we become concerned only when environmental degradation reaches our back door.
