Beth Kissileff

Beth Kissileff is co-editor of Bound in the Bond of Life: Pittsburgh Writers Reflect on the Tree of Life Tragedy and editor of the forthcoming Reading Exodus: Journeys.


Articles by Beth Kissileff

Parashat Vayeshev: Finding Light, Making Change

This Torah portion tells the story of Tamar, a woman who saw the possibility of new life where others saw only death.

Accepting a Reality We Did Not Anticipate: Lessons from this Week’s Torah Portion

The word for “comfort” (lenahem) in Hebrew can also mean to “regret.” One of the most difficult parts of gaining ...

From Rehem to Rahamim

The surest way to evaluate a society’s achievement at creating a system that is equitable to all is to examine ...

Humanity in Wartime

War and peace — and the difficulties with both — are the subjects of Parashat Shoftim.
