Vezot Haberakhah

Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12


For the full text in Hebrew and English, click here: Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12

In this Torah portion, Moses gives the tribes of Israel a final blessing and dies at the age of 120. The Children of Israel mourn and begin to follow Joshua, their new leader.


Click here for a summary of Vezot Haberakhah

Moses gives his final blessing.

Text Studies

Pluralism and Outreach

More Than Meets the Eye
Rabbi Neil Sheindlin, Hillel


The Final Blessing
Rabbi Naamah Kelman-Ezrachi, Women of Reform Judaism


The Divine Kiss
Union for Reform Judaism


If Not Now, When?
Rabbi Neal Loevinger, Kolel




Parshat Vezot Haberakhah Challah
Julie Seltzer


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