
Leviticus 6:1-8:36

To read full text in English and Hebrew, click here: Leviticus 6:1-8:36

In this Torah portion, God continues to describe the different laws of sacrifices. A distinction is made between sin offerings, burnt offerings, and homage offerings, with each following its own process. God then commands the priests to make another offering that ordains themselves in their positions.

Click here for a summary of Tzav.
Click here for a summary of the Haftarah
for Tzav.

burnt offering
God describes the burnt offering.

Text Studies

Social Action and Environmentalism

Not Only An Animal Was Sacrificed
Rabbi Avi Weinstein, Hillel


Transparent Leadership
Rachel Farbiarz, AJWS

Service As Its Own Reward
Rabbi Neal Loevinger, KOLEL

Challenging Isolation
Steven Exler, AJWS


Lost & Found
Rabbi Robert Leib, Union for Reform Judaism


From Guilt to Action
Rabbi Dorothy Richman, AJWS


Tending Flames, Seeing Faces
Gilah Langer,



From the Denominations

Pluralism and Outreach

Ears, Thumbs & Toes
Rabbi Bradley Artson, American Jewish University


Kosher For Passover All Year Round
Rabbi Shimon Felix, Bronfman Youth Fellowship


Revisiting the Fire Offerings
Rabbi Ismar Schorsch, JTS


The Eternal Light
Rabbi Kerry Olitzky, Jewish Outreach Institute


The Obligation to Give Thanks
Rabbi Lawrence Zierler, Orthodox Union


Private & Communal Judaism
Dvora Weisberg, CLAL


Finding Meaning in Ancient Ritual
Rabbi Nancy Kreimer, Women of Reform Judaism


Family and Fun

Parashat Tzav for Families
Torah Topics for Today


Constantly Feeding Our Internal Spark
Torah Topics for Today


Humilty vs. Insecurity
Torah Topics for Today


Parashat Tzav Quiz
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies


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