Rosh Hashanah Haftarah: Isaiah 55:6-13

A story of reconciliation.

The message in this haftarah is similar to that of the traditional haftarah from Jeremiah (which is also a choice in the Reform liturgy). Isaiah calls for a change in behavior and reconciliation with God. This English translation is reprinted with permission from Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures published by the Jewish Publication Society.

55:6.         Seek the LORD while He can be found,

Call to Him while He is near.

55:7.         Let the wicked give up his ways,

The sinful man his plans;

Let him turn back to the LORD,

And He will pardon him;

To our God,

For He freely forgives.

55:8.         For My plans are not your plans,

Nor are My ways your ways

-declares the LORD

55:9.         But as the heavens are high above the earth,

So are My ways high above your ways

And My plans above your plans.

55:10.     For as the rain or snow drops from heaven

And returns not there,

But soaks the earth

And makes it bring forth vegetation,

Yielding seed for sowing and bread for eating,

55:11.     So is the word that issues from My mouth:

It does not come back to Me unfulfilled,

But performs what I purpose,

Achieves what I sent it to do.

55:12.     Yea, you shall leave in joy and be led home secure.

Before you, mount and hill shall shout aloud,

And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

55:13.     Instead of the brier, a cypress shall rise;

Instead of the nettle, a myrtle shall rise.

These shall stand as a testimony to the LORD,

As an everlasting sign that shall not perish.

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