
American Jewish World Service
Helps thousands of people in Africa, Asia, and the Americas move beyond poverty, illiteracy, disaster, and war

BBYO / B’nai B’rith Youth Organization
A youth-led, worldwide organization which provides opportunities for Jewish youth to develop their leadership potential, a positive Jewish identity and commitment to their personal development.

BIMA – Berkshire Institute of Arts & Music
A summer arts program for teens dedicated to artistic expression and Jewish living at Williams College in Massachusetts

The Bronfman Youth Fellowships in Israel
Selects twenty-six outstanding rising high school seniors as Fellows to travel to Israel for five weeks of intensive study and travel each summer

Central Conference of American Rabbis
Official site of the rabbinical arm of the Reform Movement

The Curriculum Initiative
Seeks to strengthens Jewish students’ Jewish identity and nurtures school communities’ appreciation for the Jewish heritage through extra-curricular programming, classroom and school-wide presentations and professional development

Darim Online
Dedicated to helping Jewish organizations use the Internet to achieve their mission by strengthening relationships with their constituents and prospects, providing Jewish educational and identity building opportunities, and increasing communication within and among members of their community

Foundation for Jewish Camp
Source for information about, and advocacy for, non-profit Jewish overnight camps, providing leadership, expertise and financial resources to camps, campers and their families across North America

The Women’s Zionist Organization of America

Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Rothberg International School
Features study abroad programs for high school and college students and beyond

The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life empowers interfaith families to make Jewish choices for themselves and their children, and encourages the Jewish community to welcome interfaith families.
The premiere online destination for information on books of Jewish interest

The Jewish Coalition for Service
Aims to inspire everyone in the Jewish community to dedicate a part of their lives to full-time, hands-on volunteer work

Jewish Community Centers of North America
The continental umbrella organization for the Jewish Community Center movement

Jewish Funds for Justice
A Jewish social justice movement with a commitment to innovation and creativity

Jewish Outreach Institute
A national, trans-denominational Jewish outreach organization whose goal is to increase the number of individuals participating in Jewish life, and to deepen the Jewish engagement of those participants through a community-wide transformation

Jewish Women’s Archive
Seeks to transmit the rich history of American Jewish women to a broad public

Nova Southeastern University
Provides distance learning degree programs for a number of different constituencies, including rabbinical students

Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education
A collaborative initiative of philanthropic partners whose mission is to grow Jewish day school enrollment and to ensure the excellence and long-term viability of all day schools through capacity-building strategies that strengthen the day school field
Lists thousands of Jewish organizations and their corresponding Jewish events & volunteer opportunities monthly in a number of cities

The Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Official site of the rabbinical arm of the Reconstructionist Movement

Society for Humanistic Judaism
A Jewish movement than embraces a historical, cultural context that imparts significance and value to Jewish identity

STAR (Synagogues: Transformation and Renewal)
Dedicated to strengthening the North American synagogue as the center of Jewish spiritual, educational and social life

United Jewish Communities (UJC)
Represents 155 Jewish federations and 400 independent communities across North America

United States Distance Learning Association
A non-profit association which promotes the development and application of distance learning for education and training and serves the needs of the distance learning community by providing advocacy, information, networking and opportunity

USCJ United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Official site of for the lay arm of the Conservative Movement

World Jewish Congress
A diplomatic arm of the Jewish people to world governments and international organizations

Discover More

Acheinu: We Are One Family

The words of this ancient prayer speak eloquently to the dire situation of Jews held in captivity.

Eight Famous Jewish Nobel Laureates

From Albert Einstein to Bob Dylan, there are many Jewish Nobel laureates who have become household names.

Modern Israel at a Glance

An overview of the Jewish state and its many accomplishments and challenges.