Be sure to check out, a website from for those who want to add a Jewish twist to their parenting.
Whether you grew up observing Shabbat every Friday night, or had your first taste of matzo ball soup when you married into a Jewish family, the ways you can incorporate Judaism and Jewish culture into your parenting style are diverse.
Kveller offers everything from baby ceremonies to borscht recipes to decorating tips for nurseries. Check out Kveller’s blog and local event listings.
BabiesNaming Children Importance of a Hebrew Name Meaning of Pidyon HaBen When Not Everyone’s Jewish The Brit Milah Ceremony The Elements of a Brit Bat Stillbirth & Neonatal Loss
Bar/Bat MitzvahThe Parents’ Blessing Parent-Child Dynamics Bar/Bat Mitzvah Planning Guide When Parents Are Divorced Interfaith Families Special Needs Children The Parents’ Role Adoption & Conversion CeremoniesTwo Ceremonies in One New Ceremony: Giving Birth New Ceremony: Miscarriage New Ceremony: Menarche Chai (18) Ceremony Shabbat & HolidaysShabbat for Families Engaging with Elul Sukkot for Families Sedering with Kids
RelationshipsParent-Child Relationships Sources on Parenting Jewish Routines for Children Raising a Jewish Feminist Parenting Jewish Teens Teaching Derekh Eretz Raising a Mentsch The Jewish Mother Work-Life Balance
Kids’ QuestionsTalking to Your Kids About God Discussing the Holocaust Helping Children Cope EducationTrends in Education Day Schools: Pros & Cons The State of Day Schools Religious School Choosing a Hebrew School Jewish Education in Early Childhood Jewish Summer Camp
Jewish FamiliesThe American Jewish Family Mixed Families, Jewish Choices The Changing Face of Judaism Gay & Lesbian Adoption Multiracial Jewish Identity |
bar mitzvah
Pronounced: bar MITZ-vuh, also bar meetz-VAH, Origin: Hebrew, Jewish rite of passage for a 13-year-old boy.
Pronounced: MITZ-vuh or meetz-VAH, Origin: Hebrew, commandment, also used to mean good deed.
Pronounced: shuh-BAHT or shah-BAHT, Origin: Hebrew, the Sabbath, from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.