Conversion & Outreach Links

Association for Jewish Outreach Programs
An independent network that seeks to support the men and women who have dedicated their lives to guiding Jews to a life enriched by traditional Torah values

Conversion To Judaism
Website of the Conversion to Judaism Resource Center

Converting to Judaism
A website for people looking to convert to Judaism

Got Torah?
Site for Oorah, a Jewish outreach organization promoting Jewish education for children

Jews for Judaism
Provides a wide variety of counseling services, along with education, and outreach programs that enable Jews of all ages to rediscover and strengthen their Jewish heritage

A Jewish media-based outreach campaign

An organization that assists communities around the world in embracing their Jewish roots

National Jewish Outreach Program
Reaches out to unaffiliated Jews by offering them positive, joyous, Jewish educational opportunities and experiences

Panim Hadashot
A new Jewish endeavor of learning, celebration and outreach

The Union for Traditional Judaism
A trans-denominational education and outreach organization dedicated to promoting the principles of traditional Judaism

Discover More

Your Guide to the Best Elul and High Holidays Classes and Events

Prepare for the Jewish year 5781 with these unique classes from dozens of other Jewish organizations and synagogues.

How to Say the Shehechiyanu Blessing

This blessing is traditionally recited upon doing something for the first time.

Simple Spatchcocked Chicken and Roasted Root Vegetables

Spatchcock is a method of splitting (butterflying) a chicken.