Challah for Parashat Pinchas

The laws of inheritance.

Commentary on Parashat Pinchas, Numbers 25:10-30:1

Every week, Julie Seltzer, artist and Torah scribe, bakes a challah depicting an aspect of the week’s Torah portion.

If a man dies, and has no son, then you shall pass his inheritance to his daughter.


אִישׁ כִּי-יָמוּת, וּבֵן אֵין לוֹ–וְהַעֲבַרְתֶּם אֶת-נַחֲלָתוֹ, לְבִתּוֹ

And if he has no daughter, then you shall give his inheritance to his brothers.

וְאִם-אֵין לוֹ, בַּת–וּנְתַתֶּם אֶת-נַחֲלָתוֹ, לְאֶחָיו

And if he has no brothers, then you shall give his inheritance to his father’s brothers.

וְאִם-אֵין לוֹ, אַחִים–וּנְתַתֶּם אֶת-נַחֲלָתוֹ, לַאֲחֵי אָבִיו

(Numbers 27:8-10)

challah for pinhas

This challah is an inheritance chart, according to the Torah text. The challah shapes are the official genealogical symbols:

square = male
circle = female
x = dead

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