
Aish Kodesh
An Orthodox synagogue located in Woodmere

Congregation Ohr Torah
An Orthodox synagogue located in North Woodmere

Congregation Sons of Israel
A Conservative synagogue located in Woodmere

Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi
An Orthodox synagogue located in Cedarhurst

Shaaray Tefila Congregation
An Orthodox synagogue located in Lawrence

Sh’or Yoshuv Rabbinical College
An educational institution that has had an open door policy to Jews of all
backgrounds and all levels of religious commitment

Temple Israel
A Reform synagogue located in Lawrence

Temple Siani of Long Island
A Reform synagogue located in Lawrence

Young Israel of North Woodmere
An Orthodox youth organization located in North Woodmere

Young Isreal of Woodmere
An Orthodox youth organization located in Woodmere


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How to Say the Shehechiyanu Blessing

This blessing is traditionally recited upon doing something for the first time.

Simple Spatchcocked Chicken and Roasted Root Vegetables

Spatchcock is a method of splitting (butterflying) a chicken.

Roasted Potatoes for Shabbat

A Friday night staple.