
A voluntary Zionist organization serving approximately 120,000 North Americans living in Israel

Canada’s national paper for the young Jewish scene

Bnai Brith Canada
The independent voice of the Jewish community, representing its interests nationwide to the government and to the Canadian public

Canadian Jewish Congress
The democratically elected, national organizational voice of the Jewish community of Canada

Canadian Jewish News
Canada’s largest weekly Jewish newspaper

Canadian Young Judaea
Organizes summer camps and activities for Jewish youths throughout Canada

JIAS Canada
Serves as the voice of the Canadian Jewish community on issues of integration and re-settlement in Canada

Sar-El Canada
Aids the Sar-El Program in Israel in their volunteer efforts

United Israel Appeal of Canada
A national Jewish fundraising organization and community planning body



British Columbia


New Brunswick

Nova Scotia




Discover More

Eight Famous Jewish Nobel Laureates

From Albert Einstein to Bob Dylan, there are many Jewish Nobel laureates who have become household names.

What Does the Torah Say About the Land of Israel?

The entire narrative of the Hebrew Bible is built around God's promise of the land to Abraham's descendants.

Modern Israel at a Glance

An overview of the Jewish state and its many accomplishments and challenges.