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New Works Wednesdays with Gloria Abella Ballen

Hosted By: The American Sephardi Federation (ASF)

Historically the plants of the Bible have been of great interest for botanical studies, for their medicinal qualities, for cooking, for building gardens, for inspiration, and as metaphors for teaching. The Bible often provides both social and symbolic meanings for plants, but sometimes the ambiguity of language means that the species mentioned cannot be specifically identified. The Bible was written in Aramaic and Hebrew, it was first translated into Greek in the second century B.C.E., into Latin in the fourth century C.E., and later into the many languages of the world. As we will see, the story of those translations has affected our understanding of the plants.

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Jews & Non-Jews 101

While Jewish parlance often seems to divide the world into two groups--Jews and non-Jews--in Jewish tradition, not all gentiles are viewed in the same light.

Traditional Views of Jewish Chosenness

The Bible implies that God's choice of the Jews was random; later traditions made the Jews seem deserving of this privilege.

Overview: Attitudes Toward Non-Jews

What have Jews thought about non-Jews at various points in history?