A Different Kind of Slingshot


The Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life (ISJL) is honored to be in the 2013-2014 Slingshot class, and selected again as a Standard Bearer.

But what does being “in Slingshot” really mean?slingshotsb

Slingshot honors innovation. Approaching things in a different way. Serving an issue or a population that might otherwise be missed. Doing something exceptional, even if it’s unexpected, or something that seems small – like David and his little slingshot felling Goliath. Thinking outside the box, aiming high, taking down barriers that seemed like Goliaths while raising expectations and changing the conversation.

That’s a pretty cool thing to do.

We also want to give a special shout out to MyJewishLearning.com, and our fellow partners-in-blogging here on this very site: Keshet and Rabbis Without Borders. Also, Camp Dream Street of Mississippi is another Mississippi organization recognized this year – yasher koach, y’all!

The inspiring innovators included in this year’s Slingshot class are organizational colleagues we are proud to work alongside. Here’s to continuing to innovate and keep using our different kinds of slingshots to move Jewish life forward in the most inclusive and invigorating ways possible.


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