Liveblogging bin Laden’s Death

Osama bin Laden is dead. Just to let you know, if you live under a rock or in a Luddite commune or something.

We’ll be writing the most notable pieces of information here. Keep visiting, and let us know in the comments if there’s something we should repost.

* A Twitter user named ReallyVirtual reported on the assault without knowing it. He’s a former IT professional who moved to Abbottabad, Pakistan and opened a coffeehouse. Yesterday he tweeted, “Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event)” — and we know the rest of the story now.

* J.J. Goldberg from the Forward says: “It feels strange to be celebrating someone’s death.”

* All the pages from today’s news: from the Newseum, of course.

* Rabbi Jason Miller writes that we found out about the assassination on Yom Hashoah — and notes that bin Laden’s assassination might have happened during Passover. (I don’t think it actually did, according to what we know now, but it’s interesting to think about.)

* On Facebook, the wise and sobering Yoni Gordis quotes Proverbs 24: “Do not rejoice at the fall of your enemy.”

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