Hating on Hockey Jews


I know you probably weren’t asking for it, but if for some reason you wanted proof that I am a Canadian Jew, all you’ll need is this. Yesterday, when I read this story about professional hockey player, and Canadian Jew, Jason Bailey, I went straight to Facebook to see if I could find his profile. Bam! That was easy. I have nine friends in common–all Jews. We are a small community I guess.

Why was this Bailey fellow in the news though? I mean, I’d never even heard of him until I saw him on TMZ last night.

Bailey was drafted by the Anaheim (Mighty) Ducks back in 2005. Still being young and raw, the team assigned him to their minor league team in Bakersfield, California–you know, a hockey hotspot. There, Bailey claims that both his coach and assistant coach would assault him with anti-Semitic slurs and even make him travel separately from the rest of the team.

Bailey has since been traded to the Ottawa Senators but he is firing back at his old team…with a good old fashion lawsuit. Amen brother. Stick it to Bakersfield.

Also, quick side note. Look at this headline from the Wall Street Journal’s article about the story: “The Frozen One.” Yes! That’s the best. Is that a play on the Jews being the chosen people or Wayne Gretzky being called “The Great One” or both? Whoever wrote that deserves a raise.


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