Billions Of Dollars Doesn’t Equal Good Choices

I’ve never totally understood the fascination people have with vintage cars. I have two reasons. #1) The word vintage doesn’t impress me. If it was so good, wouldn’t we still be using it? 2) I don’t like cars. What a boring thing to obsessed with. Sorry.

Then again, sometimes you can buy a vintage car that is so powerful, that even I will care about it. According to Haaretz, and a German newspaper, an unidentified billionaire has purchased Hitler’s Mercedes.

Supposedly, he paid between 6-15 Million dollars (which, by the way, is an insane estimation Couldn’t they get something a little more exact?). How was this thing not in a museum though? How did someone make a profit on this?

Whatever happened to the days of making a ton of money and spending it on chesterfields and ottomans?

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