Best Of The Week

Shabbat is starting earlier and earlier. Someone please stop the sun. It is on a reign of terror that I just can’t handle right now. Then again, ending Shabbat at 5:15 in the afternoon isn’t such a bad thing either. So…I guess…keep doin’ your thing sun (and no one write me with that whole “it’s the Earth that is revolving stuff.” I get it).

I’m a middle child. I don’t think there has ever been an instance in my family where my older brother was eating lentil soup where I didn’t try to take his birthright. Here is our recipe for the soup for all the conniving younger siblings.

For centuries, common belief was that the Jews had killed Jesus. Only recently, it has become more apparent that, in fact, it was Mel Gibson.

In a couple weeks, we’re going to premiere a video that features the Lower East Side of New York. But if you’re not a visual learner, here is our article on the Lower East Side–Then and Now.

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How to Get Fired in Hollywood/Paris

Admitting anti-Semitism is not a good career move. Unless, I guess, you work in early 1940s Germany, or maybe contemporary ...

It Turns Out Mel Gibson is Misunderstood.

A friend of mine passed this along to me and I thought it was worth sharing. Everyone’s favorite conservative magazine, ...

Musaf First Aid (just in case…)

Today is Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Hebrew month and the festival of the New Moon. Jews celebrate by ...