Best Of The Week


Shabbat is starting earlier and earlier. Someone please stop the sun. It is on a reign of terror that I just can’t handle right now. Then again, ending Shabbat at 5:15 in the afternoon isn’t such a bad thing either. So…I guess…keep doin’ your thing sun (and no one write me with that whole “it’s the Earth that is revolving stuff.” I get it).

I’m a middle child. I don’t think there has ever been an instance in my family where my older brother was eating lentil soup where I didn’t try to take his birthright. Here is our recipe for the soup for all the conniving younger siblings.

For centuries, common belief was that the Jews had killed Jesus. Only recently, it has become more apparent that, in fact, it was Mel Gibson.

In a couple weeks, we’re going to premiere a video that features the Lower East Side of New York. But if you’re not a visual learner, here is our article on the Lower East Side–Then and Now.


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The Lower East Side of New York City

On the Jewish Plymouth Rock of New York's Lower East Side, Jewish immigrants began their new lives.

Anzia Yezierska

In America, a female sweatshop worker from a Polish shtetl could become a renowned writer and Hollywood commodity.

Anzia Yezierska’s “Bread Givers:” A Lens on the Beehive of the Lower East Side

In "Bread Givers," her 1925 novel, Anzia Yezierska explored a world of pushcarts and tenements.
