The Bailout: a modest proposal


In the aftermath of the third debate, our friend Sarah Lefton, the person behind all those Jews for Jeter t-shirts, writes to us:

Here’s a meme I’d like to get America talking about:

What if the religious people who run America applied their morals to the Wall Street bailout and we tithed 10% of $700 billion to the country’s (or the world’s) poor?

I mean this completely seriously.

1. It makes the bailout more palatable to Main Street.
2. It is a show of Christian morality by a president who likes to make a show of Christian morality.
3. It’s good PR, showing the world that America is compassionate to all its citizens, not just the wealthiest ones.
4. Seventy billion is just a tiny slice of seven hundred billion.
5. If the taxpayers are going to get behind a $700 billion bailout on faith, they’d probably do so with some enthusiasm if charity were involved.

What do you think? And if you like the idea, can we spread it?

Edited to account for sloppy late-night mathematics.


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