Diaspora-Israel Relations


Jeffrey Goldberg reports that one source of tension between Ehud Olmert and some Jewish leaders is that the latter “loathe the idea that Mr. Olmert, or a prime minister yet elected, might one day cede the Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem to the latent state of Palestine.� Says Joshua Katzen, of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, “I think that Israelis don’t have the big view of global jihad that American Jews do.� (New York Times)

A look at attempts by e.g. Center for Leadership Initiatives, Professional Leaders Project, Progressive Jewish Alliance, and American Jewish Committee Access Young Leaders, to create a stronger bond of Gen Y-ers to Israel. The Jewish Journal)

Gideon Levy says to American Jews directly “Leave us alone. Take your hands off Israel. Stop using your money to buy influence in Israel. Stop contributing to advance your interests and views, some of which are at times delusionary and extremely dangerous to the future of the country you’re supposedly trying to protect…. Everything is about money, even if it is concealed under a pile of cliches and promises. From the prime minister to the mayor of a remote town, from hospital director to community center manager — all look to American Jewish money.� (The Forward)

A look at the strong and growing link between Israel and Hollywood. (The Jewish Journal)

The case is made that a better connection can be made between Diaspora youth and Israel by focusing less on politics and “more about what Israel offers the world today.� (Jerusalem Post)

Noam Neusner makes the case that “America’s Jewish community has a clinical obsession with Israel-related issues�, noting that “Israel is the most bipartisan issue in Washington.� (The Forward)

A panel discussion at Manhattan’s Central Synagogue on “Do Young American Jews Care About Israel?â€? left the audience with “an ambiguous answer: Not really, but…â€? (The Jewish Week)


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