Military Matters

-Reuven Pedatzur concludes that a war with Syria would include a missile attack on Israeli cities throughout Israel that the IDF is unable to prevent. (Haaretz)

-Daniel Levy makes the case that the Iranian threat to Israel ought to handled by US-Iran negotiations, not by Israeli military threats. (Haaretz)

-A look at the work of the 1120-strong United Nations Disengagement Observer Force on the Golan border. (The Jewish Week)

-A look at the military challenges the Israeli Air Force is preparing for, and how it has done recently. (Haaretz)

-A look at the efforts of Rabbi Eli Sadan, and other heads of Pre-Military Academies, to rebuild the frayed ties between the IDF and religious Zionist youth. He says, “A soldier’s uniform is like the holy garments worn by the priests in the Temple when they brought animal sacrifices before God Almightyâ€?. (The Jerusalem Post)

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