Coming to Israel


-Michael Freund decries the fact that Subbotnik Jews are allowed to make aliya under the Law of Return “only as long as they married within their “community framework.”â€? (The Jerusalem Post)

-From southwestern Australia came the most invasive species on Israeli soil, the blue acacia, and now Israelis are trying hard to get rid of it. (Haaretz)

-Shlomo Avnieri argues that aliyah organizations should stop ferreting out people who qualify under the Law of Return, but are people “for whom the Law of Return was not intended.� (Haaretz)

-Keep/Modify/Abolish the Law of Return for Jews?


Discover More

The Law of Return

An immigration policy to ensure a Jewish majority in the State of Israel.

Religious Soldiers in Israel’s Army

Israel's armed forces, like many Israeli institutions, make special provisions for the religious needs of Jewish participants.

Religion and Education in Israel

Diversity and tension within both sectors.
