Coming to Israel

-Michael Freund decries the fact that Subbotnik Jews are allowed to make aliya under the Law of Return “only as long as they married within their “community framework.”â€? (The Jerusalem Post)

-From southwestern Australia came the most invasive species on Israeli soil, the blue acacia, and now Israelis are trying hard to get rid of it. (Haaretz)

-Shlomo Avnieri argues that aliyah organizations should stop ferreting out people who qualify under the Law of Return, but are people “for whom the Law of Return was not intended.� (Haaretz)

-Keep/Modify/Abolish the Law of Return for Jews?

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Coming to Israel

-A look at a program that sends Jewish, Christian and Muslim teens to Israel. (Jewish Exponent)-Hana and Sinai Julian made ...

The Rule of Law in Israel

-In a number of cities “intransigent registrars and rabbis” are refusing to recognize state-sanctioned conversions to Judaism, and it is ...

Women in Israel

-Israel’s parliament is only 14.2% women, ranking it 101 out of 188 countries, even below some Muslim countries like Tunisia ...