Jewish Music

International Jewish Music

Jews have wandered the world over, and sometimes all that wandering gets packed into one song.

Secular Jewish Music

The category of secular Jewish music is as elusive as it is important. It may be broadly defined as any music used primarily by Jews in non-liturgical contexts, and also includes Sephardic and Ashkenazic music.

Cantorial Music

Learning to appreciate hazzanut (cantorial music)

Yossele Rosenblatt’s Later Career

The talented cantor Yossele Rosenblatt (1882-1933) becomes an international star.

Yossele Rosenblatt

The cantor whose religious observance led him to reject some offers of fame and fortune.

Chava Alberstein: Multilingual Folkie

In Hebrew, English and Yiddish, this legendary Israeli singer has created an unparalleled body of music.

Rock ‘N’ Roll Jews

The Jewish contribution to the development of rock music

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan's lyrics never explicitly invoke his Jewish roots, but Jewish influences are never far from the surface.

Nusah: The Music of Prayer

Traditional musical motifs, called nusah, give each service of Jewish prayer a distinct sound.

Synagogue Music in the Modern Era

Changes are taking place in the leadership, participation, melodies, and instruments that are found in the synagogue.

Synagogue Music

The music of the synagogue celebrates both the diversity and unity of the Jewish people.