
Canadian Jewish News
Canada’s largest weekly Jewish newspaper

Daily Alert
A daily Jewish news roundup provided by the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations

A website of news and speculation about Israel and the Middle East

Deep South Jewish Voice
An independent weekly newspaper covering Alabama and Mississippi

Der Bay
An international Anglo-Yiddush newsletter

A New York-based weekly Jewish newspaper

An Israeli daily with an English-language website

Israel E News
A daily Israeli news website
Website of the London-based weekly The Jewish Chronicle

A website providing video news updates from Israel in English

Jerusalem Post
An English-language Israeli daily newspaper

Jewish Post
A New York-based monthly newspaper

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles
A Jewish weekly newspaper printed in the Los Angeles area

Jewish Telegraphic Agency
An international Jewish newswire

Jewish Transcript
A weekly covering Washington state

Jewish World
An online resource for Jewish news and commentary

The Journal
A community newspaper serving the Jewish communities of Dallas, Richardson, Plano, Allen, McKinney, Frisco, and Carrollton

The New York Jewish Week
A weekly newspaper

Shmais News Service
A current-events news service for all things Jewish

Virtual Jerusalem
A website of Jewish information and resources

Washington Jewish Week
Washington, D.C.’s Jewish newspaper

World Jewish Daily
An aggregator of news from throughout the Jewish world
Provides Jewish communities and others worldwide interested in Israel with news reporting and commentary

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Parashat Devarim: Anticipatory Grief

This week’s Torah portion, Devarim, is always read on the Shabbat prior to Tisha B’Av, the fast day commemorating the ...

The Jerusalem University That’s a Hub for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

In 1964, the Hebrew University created a research development company to help market technological innovations developed at the university. It has produced some global successes.

Parashat Bamidar: The Loss of a Generation

The Book of Numbers is a gentle reminder to listen to the elders still among us.