women in the bible


The Shunamite Woman: A Model of Radical Empathy

Because she had a special relationship with the prophet Elisha, her child was miraculously conceived and miraculously resurrected.

Leah’s Improbable Optimism

The first wife of Jacob endured a loveless marriage, but her story is one of perseverance.

Eshet Manoah: Mother of the Mighty Samson

One of the Bible’s many barren women, she had the grace and grit to become mother to the "Jewish Hercules."

Miriam the Prophetess

The sister of Moses and Aaron was an important part of the sibling team that led Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness.

The Book of Ruth and the Power of Names

The story of Ruth, read on the holiday of Shavuot, teaches that respect for others begins with recognizing their names.

Meet the Torah’s Bold Band of Status Quo-Challenging Sisters

 In this busy portion, the daughters of Zelophehad succeed in staking claim their father’s land — sort of.

The Daughters of Zelophehad: Power and Uniqueness

Zelophehad's daughters call to us to take hold of life with our own hands.

Beauty in the Bible

Is beauty an inherent Jewish value?

The Cruel Demands of Purity and Beauty

By and large it is not only the preference for beauty that has spilled into Western culture, but also the equation between beauty and goodness.

Women and Revelation

When Moses altered the message given to him by God, he cut women out of the revelation at Sinai.
