tu bishvat


Coming Down to Earth

Instead of looking up to the heavens for holiness, what if instead we looked to the earth beneath our feet?

Tu Bishvat and the Repudiation of Cynicism

The Jewish new year for trees is the rare time where we celebrate potential — not product.

Dreaming of Trees

Dreams are not only central to the observance of Tu Bishvat, but to our nighttime imaginal realms.

The Power of Jewish Blessings

More than mere expressions of gratitude, blessings are portals to other spiritual realms.

Lemon Lavender Cake Recipe

Cake for a winter's morning.

The Seven Species

The seven species of the land of Israel have special medical and spiritual properties.

Trees in Jewish Thought

Jewish sources single out trees as one of the most important aspects of the natural world.

I and Thou: A Tree

What trees can teach about relationships

The Environmentally Conscious Jewish Home

For Jewish families, caring for the environment could be part of a wider consciousness of living in a world that is a divine gift.

From Generation to Generation

Explaining to grandchildren Jewish environmental action
