Modern Jewish God Views
Radical Theology: Confronting the Crises of Modernity
The findings of modern science and the tragedy of the Holocaust led some Jewish thinkers to redefine God.
The Feminist Critique of God Language
A survey of Jewish feminist challenges and responses to traditionally male language for God.
God in the Age of Reason
Hermann Cohen and his student, Franz Rosenzweig, stressed the ethical implications of God.
Modern Jewish Views of God
Modernity raised serious challenges for traditional conceptions of God.
God’s Phallus
Surprisingly enough, gender-sensitive critiques of the Jewish God can create problems for notions of masculinity.
God Language and Liturgy
Jewish feminists imagine and address God in a multiplicity of ways, both innovative and traditional.
The Experience and Nearness of God
Martin Buber and Abraham Joshua Heschel stressed the human encounter with God.