jewish magic


Jewish Healing and Magic

"Whatever is effective as a remedy is not witchcraft (Shabbat 67a)"--is that really the case?

Witches & Witchcraft

Throughout much of Jewish history, witchcraft has been viewed as a vice that virtually every woman will indulge in.

Incantations, Spells and Adjurations

Some traditional Jewish sources indicate belief in the efficacy of spells.

Jewish Magic & the Blood Libels

Suspicion of Jewish magic was behind the medieval accusation of child murder.

Magic in Rabbinic Judaism

The rabbis of the Talmud believed that magic was real and legitimate, when performed by sages who used the power of Torah.

Jewish Magic & Medieval Anti-Semitism

In medieval Europe, Jews suffered on account of popular beliefs about Jewish sorcery--and yet their non-Jewish neighbors also tried to benefit from Jewish magic.
