Jewish Life Events


Finishing Saying Kaddish

A ritual to end the process of saying the Mourner's Kaddish for a loved one.

Circle of Support

A healing ritual for victims of sexual, physical or psychological abuse.

Chai Ceremony

A new Jewish ritual for sending young people off to college.


Celebrating menopause breaks the silences of a lifetime and forges a future of openness and sharing.


This ceremony uses elements of Jewish and other traditions to share a sense of possibility and openness with a newly menstruant girl.

Illness & Healing

The Bible sees folk healing as idolatrous.

A Jewish Weaning Ceremony

The celebration of an infant's weaning goes back to the feast Abraham held for his son Isaac.


A ritual in recognition of the author's miscarriage emerged from a year of studying about the infertile Hannah, who eventually had a child.

Rabbinic, Medieval, and Early Modern History of Healing

The evolution of attitudes towards physicians, beliefs connecting illness and sin, prayers for healing, and the use of folk healing traditions.

Terminating a Pregnancy

The author adapts biblical texts to create a ritual that expresses the anguish of terminating a pregnancy
