Jewish Acts of Kindness


Comforting Jewish Mourners: Nihum Avelim

Respect for the deceased, kindness and concern for those who mourn.

Tikkun in Lurianic Kabbalah

In contemporary parlance, tikkun olam refers to repairing the earthly world in which we live but in Luria's teachings, complete tikkun would undo the world we know.

Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World

This phrase with kabbalistic roots has come to connote social justice.

Visiting the Sick in Judaism

Aware as we may be of the importance of visiting and assisting people who are ill, we still have to overcome our fears and hesitations in order to perform this mitzvah.

Visiting the Sick: Bikkur Cholim

The importance of this act is emphasized in daily prayers.

How To Visit the Sick, in Judaism

A rabbi offers advice about how to perform the mitzvah of visiting the sick with wisdom, discretion, and sensitivity.
