How Hasidic Wisdom Can Improve Your Life
Hasidism is a philosophy of devotion, not self-help. But that doesn't mean it won't improve your life.
Hasidic Wisdom on Healing Inner Demons
These practices are grounded in the Hasidic insight that all experiences, even difficult ones, are manifestations of the divine.
Hasidic Wisdom for Managers
Ancient Jewish wisdom can help you thrive in business — really!
Wisdom For Unwelcome Experiences
The founder of Hasidism, the Baal Shem Tov, offered a three-pronged approach to dealing with difficulty.
Why Do Some Jews Visit Uman for Rosh Hashanah?
The Ukrainian city has been a site for Hasidic pilgrimage for more than 200 years since the death of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.
Maid of Ludomir
This 19th Century Hasidic woman served as an unofficial rabbi.
Why Do Some Jews Sway in Prayer?
Also known as shuckling, this movement is particularly common in Hasidic worship.
Panentheism and Judaism
Jews have flirted with the doctrine that all creation is embraced in God.
Jewish Ecstasy
Accounts of intense encounters with God rare in Judaism.